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Contact Us

Our dedicated support team is here to help you with any questions or concerns related to the RunPod platform. We aim to provide timely and accurate responses, and your understanding is appreciated.
Platform-Related Queries: We prioritize queries directly related to our platform's functionality, billing, account issues, and any technical difficulties you face with our service.
General Technical Questions: If you have questions about open-source projects or other software running on our service, we recommend checking our Discord community or the projects repository. Our active members often have quicker and more in-depth answers for these general topics.
Ask your question in our Discord! We are very active and rest of the community is willing to help.
Start a live chat with us. While we strive to be responsive, please understand if we don't get back to you immediately.
Response time: 1-2 business days
Want to use good old-fashioned email? You can reach us at help@runpod.io
Response time: 3-5 business days